Eating clean and staying on point with my workouts keep me sane. If I don't take care of myself I can't take care of anyone else. I truly enjoy taking care of others and helping them reach fitness and wellness goals. Sometimes all I do becomes overwhelming and I need to take a step back and reset.
Over the last few weeks this is what I have done. I believe everything happens for a reason and there were a few things in my life I wasn't sure how to handle. I have a very difficult time when I can't just handle something and move on. I don't have any patience and I don't have a lot of faith in things just working themselves out....but sure enough after weeks of undue stress and negativity things just work themselves out.
I am grateful for these difficult times, I learn from each situation. This time I have learned to pay more attention to the negative people in my life and rid myself of them.
There are some people that no matter what you do you will not satisfy them....So next time I find myself surrounded by these people I will be sure to walk away.
When you are a good person you become surrounded by good people. I am so lucky for the people I have in my life. I am upset with myself for getting caught up in people that are not who I am or what I believe in. I am relieved to have moved beyond these people and so are the good people in my life.
You cannot be honest to anyone when you are not true to yourself. Be honest to yourself and be true to who you are. If you are not happy with who you are CHANGE don't bring others down with you.
Live simply and love deeply
~eat well and Keep moving~
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