Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving! 
 I hope you are all having a wonderful holiday.  It can be hard to stick to the plan through the holiday season soooo prep prep prep!  
Schedule your workouts and DON'T break your appointment
Plan your meals and prep the ahead of time
Always have a healthy snack with you when your on the run
and remember to SLOW down and enjoy!  
When short on time try this handy work out!  

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Happy Sunday.  Hope everyone is prepped for their week.  Today is my 35th Birthday!  I am actually very excited for my birthday this year.  I am in the best shape of my life.  I am with the love of my life and my daughter is the happiest, funniest kid I have ever known.
Things are changing everyday for me, I couldn't be happier.
It has been a very long road and things haven't always been good.  I truly believe everything happens for a reason even if we don't understand it at the time.
SO, Have Faith and if all else fails GO TO THE GYM!  

Definitely the most heart felt present I have received!  
~eat well and keep moving~

Monday, October 14, 2013

I am SO SORRY!  I have been MIA for so long.  Unfortunately life was just getting in the way, BUT I am BACK and we are going to ROCK this fall and be HOTTER then ever for the HOLIDAYS!

Who has been sticking with their plan?  I was rolled off course by an elbow injury a month and a half ago!  I was thrown off a horse hurt my right elbow and have been unable to work or WORKOUT since September 8th!  AAAHHH for those of you that know me my workouts are my sanity.  It has been a rough month BUT I have had amazing friends and family to get me through.

Really in the big picture a month isn't so bad.  My cousin just went for her first run after tearing her Achilles 6 months ago!  I am so happy she is healing so well and she really has been such a trooper barely even complained.... (at least to me)

So anyway... I really want to be at the gym right now for a second workout on my first day back but I missed you guys and needed to get back to work.  So, when I am done here I am going to bang out this quick sprint workout on the treadmill.  Feel Free to join me!

5 minute warm up
30 second all out sprint 
30 second jog 
30 second all out Sprint 
30 second walk
x 4
45 second all out sprint incline 5%
30 second jog
45 Second all out sprint incline 5% 
30 second jog
45 second all out sprint incline 5%
30 second walk
5 minute fast walk 8% incline
3 minute cool out 

Fuel up post workout with my favorite Fall Shake
2 scoops Vanilla IsaLean
1/4 cup pumpkin
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
sprinkle of cinnamon
Ice and Blend! 

Saturday, August 24, 2013

I have been SLACKING these last few weeks of summer!  Anyone else?  Sometimes I just need a time out and that's whats been going on these last few weeks.  Those of you that know me personally know I have had a lot going on including a break up and some emotional cleansing we'll call it.
What has amazed me through this entire process is that every event that I perceived as a complete tragedy turned out to be the most amazing opportunity.  I am exactly where I want to be and I have never been so happy and content.
All that said fall is almost here and it is time to FOCUS!  I am so excited to get back to work and see some real changes in my mind and body over the next few months.
You are going to see more great workouts and recipes a lot more often on this blog so check back often and send your friends.
~eat well and keep moving~
xoxo jenn

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

I hope everyone is having a fabulous summer!  Mine has been rather up and down but as long as the sun is shining and warm I am a happy girl.  
All of us from time to time get bogged down with negativity.  It is important to take a step back during these times and reset.  This is exactly what I have been doing recently.  Realize there is always someone worse off then you, reach out to them try and help.  
For me it is super important to keep my workouts consistent and my eating clean.  The better I am to my body the clearer my mind is.  
When your feeling down, stressed or overwhelmed fight that urge to just lie around and eat til your hearts content....your hear will never be content with food.  
Pick yourself up and keep moving.  Just getting out and going for a walk can be a huge mood lifter.  Order a giant salad and eat the entire thing.  
Don't settle for where you are.  Make the changes you need to be happy.  You are the only person whom can make YOU happy!  
So if there are people in your life holding you back cut the ties.  Surround yourself with people that encourage you to be a better person and inspire you to live a better life.  
Everyday is a new day and TODAY looks like the perfect day to get to where you want to go!  
~eat well and keep moving~
xoxo jenn

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Rest....Rest is very important for muscle recovery, muscle building and metabolism....All that said it does not mean that I do it when or as often as I should.  I love the gym and I love my workouts.  It keeps me sane and happy so I go, go, go until my body says NO MORE!  
That is exactly what happened this week.  I was so tired I could barely get out of bed, my workouts were almost lacking work and my motivation was non existent!  When this happens I usually go into panic silly as it is I feel like I may not ever get my motivation back...what if I don't ever want to workout again?!
Of course that never happens it only takes a few days before I am rearing to go again.  So instead of panicking this time I took this week to REST.  I made sure my nutrition was super strict to not go to far off track and I listened to my body.  Much to my dismay my body wanted an entire 5 days off!! Not until tonight did I feel that tomorrow I can return to my normal workout routine.  I can't wait to see how I feel after my first workout back.  I will be sure to keep you updated.  Remember keep your goals in sight but listen to your body.  Doing anything at all is more then those that havent left the couch! 
~eat well and keep moving~
xoxo jenn

Monday, July 15, 2013

Are you ready for the next heat wave?  I am I LOVE this weather.  The hotter the better.  I will admit I whine most of the winter about how cold and miserable it is.
The heat however is no excuse to not work out....You jst need to becareful and stay HYDRATED!  (With WATER)
Here is a great Pool workout for those days you just can drag yourself away to get to the gym.

30 seconds water running
30 seconds rest (with noodle)
30 Seconds Jumping jacks  ....yes in the water
30 seconds rest
1 minute water running
30 seconds rest
30 seconds tuck jumps..... again in the water
30 seconds rest

Finish with 45 seconds water running with 15 seconds of rest times 5!

~eat well and keep moving~
xoxo jenn

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Why?  So many of you ask me WHY?  Why do I workout everyday, why do I eat clean, why do I take time for ME?!  
This is my why.  I want to inspire others, I want my friends and family to be the best that they can be.  I don't know if this card was picked purposefully or if it was just a twist of fate... Either way it is a sign I am headed in the right direction.  
My cousin was married this weekend and this was the card at my place setting!
 I hope my lifestyle has inspired you and I hope it continues too!  

~eat well and keep moving~
xoxo jenn

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

So it's been a while!  So Sorry!  I have been so busy but I have cleaned out the clutter and I am refocusing.  Luckily no matter what comes up in my life nothing gets in the way of my fitness journey.
Eating clean and staying on point with my workouts keep me sane.  If I don't take care of myself I can't take care of anyone else.  I truly enjoy taking care of others and helping them reach fitness and wellness goals.  Sometimes all I do becomes overwhelming and I need to take a step back and reset.

Over the last few weeks this is what I have done.  I believe everything happens for a reason and there were a few things in my life I wasn't sure how to handle.  I have a very difficult time when I can't just handle something and move on.  I don't have any patience and I don't have a lot of faith in things just working themselves out....but sure enough after weeks of undue stress and negativity things just work themselves out.

I am grateful for these difficult times, I learn from each situation.  This time I have learned to pay more attention to the negative people in my life and rid myself of them.
There are some people that no matter what you do you will not satisfy them....So next time I find myself surrounded by these people I will be sure to walk away.

When you are a good person you become surrounded by good people.  I am so lucky for the people I have in my life.  I am upset with myself for getting caught up in people that are not who I am or what I believe in.  I am relieved to have moved beyond these people and so are the good people in my life.

You cannot be honest to anyone when you are not true to yourself.  Be honest to yourself and be true to who you are.  If you are not happy with who you are CHANGE don't bring others down with you.

Live simply and love deeply
~eat well and Keep moving~ 

Friday, June 28, 2013

I thought today we would talk about fueling our body.  I was finally successful with my nutrition when I decided to eat to fuel my body rather then eat because something tastes good.  I think before I eat now...
How will this effect my body?
Will this help me reach my long term goals?
Do I need this? OR Do I want this?
Is this a well balanced CLEAN meal? You NEED carbohydrates no matter what the newest fad diet says.  Eat the right carbs at the right times for your body to perform at its best!
Of course there are times I eat something because I want it NOT because I need it but.... that is the exception not the rule.
Consistency is key!
Try this easy clean recipe to fuel your body this summer
Shrimp With Avocado-Mango Salsa
In addition to being a great source of good-for-you fat, avocados are full of fiber and bloat-busting potassium.

Serves 4
·         Vegetable oil cooking spray
·         8 cups baby spinach
·         1 cup couscous
·         1 lb medium shrimp, shelled and deveined
·         1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro, divided
·         1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
·         3/4 teaspoon salt, divided
·         1 large mango, peeled and diced
·         1 medium avocado, diced
·         1 medium tomato, diced
·         1/4 cup chopped red onion
·         1/2 jalapeño chile, seeded and finely chopped
·         1 tablespoon fresh lime juice
1.      Heat grill. Fold four 18-inch-long pieces of foil in half; unfold and coat inside with cooking spray. Place 2 cups spinach in center of 1 half of each piece of foil. Combine couscous with 1/4 cup water; divide evenly among packets, placing on top of spinach. Combine shrimp, 1/4 cup cilantro, oil and 1/2 tsp salt in a bowl. Divide shrimp evenly among packets, placing next to couscous. Fold foil to close and crimp edges to seal; place on grill; close lid; cook until packets are fully puffed, 10 minutes. Combine remaining 1/4 cup cilantro with remaining 1/4 tsp salt, mango, avocado, tomato, onion, jalapeño and lime juice in a bowl. Carefully cut foil to open; stir contents; garnish with salsa before serving.

397 calories per serving, 10 g fat (1 g saturated), 52 g carbs, 8 g fiber, 25 g protein

~eat well and keep moving~
xoxo jenn

Monday, June 17, 2013

Protein Popsicles

Who is LOVING this weather?!  I love summer time.  I love the heat.....but I CRAVE Ice Cream!  I like frozen yogurt too but it is still full of sugar.  I have finally discovered a creamy HEALTHY Ice cold treat to curb my Ice Cream cravings.
Protein Popsicle!  
2 scoops Isalean Chocolate 
12 Oz Almond breeze no sugar Chocolate almond milk.  
Mix in the blender or a blender bottle and poor into Popsicle trays.  
Let freeze and enjoy guilt free!  

~Eat well and Keep moving~ 

xoxo jenn 

Monday, June 10, 2013

What a fabulous day!  Tried a new Protein Pancake recipe this morning... Delicious!  Recipe to follow soon and then a 6 am workout.  Home to get Kae ready for school and then back out to kickboxing and the barn.
I am so happy to have the ability to do so much.  I work hard everyday to give my family opportunities others don't have in life.  I don't ask for handouts and all though times are tough sometimes I am happy for our health and wellness everyday.
I do as much as I can for others and lately that doesn't seem to be enough to keep some satisfied.  To those I will have to say goodbye.  I choose to surround myself and my family with grateful, appreciated people everyday.  Hope you all do the same!

Now for delicious protein pancakes
1.5oz Oat Bran
2.5 oz Egg Whites
1/2 cup vanilla almond milk
1 sc vanilla Isalean
5 oz strawberries
1tbs Psyllium (optional)

Mix all ingredients together cook slowly over low heat..... Yummy!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Bring it outside in this beautiful weather!  Try this
Bring it outside!  10 minute warm up with dynamic stretching

Find a Bench
Reverse lunge with knee up x 10 es
Side lunge knee up x 10 es
Push ups off bench as many as possible
Mountain climbers off bench x 20 
Squats x 25 as fast as possible.  
Sprints x 5
Reapeat Giant set 3 times!  

~eat well and keep moving~
xoxo jenn

Monday, May 27, 2013

Who else had an amazing weekend?  It started off Saturday with my fastest 5K at the Run for 1 Plymouth!  Then to the barn for a rainy cold afternoon but some great quality time with my super amazing horse.
Snuggled in Saturday night to enjoy a movie with the family and out to breakfast Sunday morning that was absolutely delicious.
Sunday afternoon was a cook out with the fam and Sunday night was the usual food prep for the week.
Monday morning was a kickass sports agility workout at Thurston MMA.  What a great group of people and an amazing full body workout.  Loved every minute of it!
Spent the early afternoon cruising on the motorcycle and then back to the barn.
Kaelyn and I rode our horses together which was a blast and then let them graze on some grass.
I couldn't ask for a better weekend!  I am so blessed to have the family and friends I have and I love everyone of them.
Remember this weekend is about those soldiers that have made this life possible and continue to make it possible.  Thank you to each and every person who has and still is serving in our United States Military.  You are our everyday hero's!
Now enjoy these Funky Monkey Coco Bars and the quick HIIT workout to keep your metabolism cranking!
Funky Monkey Coco Bars
1/4 cup Cocoa
2 medium bananas
1/4 cup egg whites
1/3 cup whole wheat flour
1/3 cup brown sugar
3 Tbs Stevia
2 Tbs Coconut oil (melted)
1 tbs chocolate chips
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp vanilla extract

Preheat Oven to 325 degrees
Add cocoa to 1/4 cup hot water mix and set aside
In med mixing bowl add all dry ingredients except chips and stir
In large bowl beat eggs whites add coconut oil, vanilla extract and cocoa mix and mix thoroughly
Slowly stir in dry ingredients and mix in MASHED bananas
Spray 8x8 baking pan with non stick spray and pour batter into pan.  Spread Chips over the top
Bake for 30 Minutes or until toothpick comes out clear.
Let cool
Makes 9 servings
Calories per serving 65, 1.5g Fat, 13g Carbs. 1g Fiber, 7.5g Sugar, 1.5g Protein.

Hit the Track!
10  20 meter sprints
10 bleacher climbs
50 Jumping jacks

5 10 meter sprints
5 bleacher climbs
25 Jumping Jacks

3 10 meter Sprints
3 bleacher climbs
15 Jumping jacks

4 laps around the track

~eat well and keep moving~
xoxo jenn

Saturday, May 25, 2013

SO excited for some great news!  I am now offering 4 more Boot Camp classes a week.  Check out Tuesdays and Thursdays at Evolution in Marshfield and Mondays and Wednesdays at Nelson Park in Plymouth!  

Boot Camp is a great way to get in shape.  It's challenging fun and always different.  Keeps your body guessing which gets you amazing results.

Make new friends and get fit all at the same time!  Hope to see you there soon.

~Eat well and keep moving~

xoxo jenn

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Headed out the door for my Sunday Funday workout but here is a quick recipe to help you prep some clean healthy snacks this week.

Banana Walnut Protein Bars
This protein bar recipe combines your favorite vanilla protein powder with bananas,
oatmeal, cinnamon and walnuts to make 9 amazingly tasty bars.
• 1.5 Cups Instant Oatmeal
• 3 Medium Bananas, Mashed
• 5 Scoops Isalean or 2 packets Isapro Vanilla Protein Powder
• 4 Egg Whites
• 1/2 Cup Walnuts, Ground
• 1 TBP Vanilla Extract
• 1 TBP Cinnamon
Cooking Instructions
In a large bowl, add all dry ingredients (oats,
protein, walnuts, cinnamon) and stir. In a separate
bowl, mash bananas and add egg whites and vanilla and stir. Pour wet ingredients into
the bowl with the dry ingredients and combine until evenly mixed.
Scoop mixture into a 9x9 Pyrex dish and bake at 350 degrees F for 15 minutes.
Optional topping: prior to baking, combine a calorie free sweetener such as Stevia,
Splenda, Truvia, etc. with some cinnamon. Pour the cinnamon sweetener on top of the
mixture, and then bake. You may also top with melted dark chocolate after cooling.
Makes 9 bars.
Serving Suggestions
Makes 9 bars.
Nutritional Info
Calories: 204
Protein: 16 grams
Carbs: 22 grams
Fat: 7 grams

~eat well and keep moving~

xoxo jenn

Friday, May 17, 2013

Hope everyone is ready to Rock this weekend!  The weather is amazing.  So motivating!  I can't wait to hit the track for some sprints and bleacher runs.  For those of you that can't get to the track this weekend try this do anywhere HIIT workout.

• 60 Jumping Jacks
• 15-20 Spiderman Pushups
• Walking Lunges (20 steps)
• Spiderman Climb (20 total)
• Wall Squat 45-60 seconds
• Planks (60 seconds)
• 5 Burpees
• High Knees (50 total)

The fuel up with one of these yummy recipes!

Chocolate-Cherry Smoothie
Blend 1 cup low-fat milk with 1/2 cup frozen unsweetened tart cherries and 1 scoop Isalean Chocolate protein powder. Serve with 1 slice toasted whole-grain bread spread with 2 teaspoons peanut butter.

PB Fudge Protein Bars
4 scoops Isapro Chocolate
2/3 cup flax seed meal
4 tbs PB
¼ cup water
1 tsp stevia
2 tbs cocoa powder
Mix all in large bowl.  Divide into 4 portions wrap in plastic and freeze.  

~eat well and keep moving~

xoxo jenn

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Mother's Day makes me reflect on how lucky I truly am!  Such a great weekend of family fun and exercise.  Out on my mountain bike ride really gave me the time to see how truly blessed I am to be able to go out and do these things.  I am so lucky to have my health and fitness.  So lucky to have my family and friends.  
I spent some time remembering how tired and run down I used to feel before I started working out.  I don't know how I got through my days.  I know my lifestyle has changed and I will never go back to that.  My goal is to help as many people as possible to feel as good as I do.  Each and everyone of you can do it.  I know you can!  
Get out there and try this do anywhere HIIT circuit.  

Have fun and remember
~eat well and keep moving~
xoxo Jenn

Body weight squats x 20
Jumping Jacks x 50
Walking Lunges x 10 each leg
Split Squat x 10 each leg
45 sec Plank 
45 Sec High Knees

Repeat 3 times and enjoy!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Ok guys I am keeping it real today!  I have been struggling big time since my competition! I had such an amazing time at Foxwoods and felt amazing.  The friends I make at each and every competition are so amazing.  It is nice to talk with those that have the same struggles, concerns and goals.
  Of course the day after the competition I let it all go and it is such a vicious circle.  As soon as I veer off track my whole train becomes derailed!  Clean eating has been nearly impossible and workouts have been lacking any kind of motivation!
It is especially hard since I am looking at my next competition not being until November but I am NOT happy when I am not lean.  I have decided over the last 2 days I want to be leaner then ever and I want to continue to do it the healthy way.
I do understand this takes time and I need to have patience for my muscle to grow and my metabolism to speed up.  Now I just need to find the patience!!!
Any help and support you guys can offer I would greatly appreciate 
I do enjoy challenging my body and my mind with my workouts and nutrtion so changing it up is what I need to get back on track.
I have some new recipes I am going to try this week and I am looking for a kick butt cardio class to join.  I'm thinking MMA style.
I hope that my struggles help you to realize we all get derailed from time to time....Get back on the track and full steam ahead.

~eat well and keep moving~

xoxo jenn

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Many of you have asked about supplements.  As most of you know I am an all natural physique athlete.    I use Isagenix for nutritional support and love their supplements.  I really don't need anything else.

 For daily needs I use the Ageless Essentials pack.  It includes Fish oil, Revesterol, BCAA's and multi vitamins.  It is everything I need for a tough workout recovery.

For pre workout I use either the Eshot (my favorite) or Want more Energy with Ionix.  Both give me sustainable energy to get through my weight training and cardio.

Post workout is IsaPro.  36g of all natural whey protein.  Just enough carbs to replenish what I used and keep me feeling great even after my toughest workouts.

For extras I use Isagreens which gives me vitamins. minerals and antioxidants of 19 salads!  And IsaDelight Chocolates infused with green tea to keep my metabolism burning!

What do you guys use?

Monday, April 29, 2013

What an amazing experience this weekend at Fitness America at Foxwoods.  The girls that I have met I will carry on friendships with forever.  I love surrounding myself with like minded fit and healthy people.
The most important thing I took away from this weekend is not a trophy or flowers it is the motivation and inspiration I have to reach out to others ans help them reach their health and fitness goals.  I am more motivated then EVER to grow Jennifer Gallant Fitness and help as many people as I can live a clean lifestyle.  Please share my blog, my website and my facebook page
Here are some pictures from the weekend.  Cannot wait to see my professional ones!!!

~eat well and keep moving~
xoxo jenn

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Foxwoods is FINALLY here!  I am so excited all my hard work is showing.  Today and tomorrow are cleanse days to rid all those toxins and be as lean as can be.  I feel great!  This show prep has been SO EASY with Isagenix.  I am continually amazed by the results of these products.   Today I did my last workout before the show, went mountain bike riding and rode my horse!  Such a great day.  My clothes and food are all packed.  Off to bed early and up and out before 7am tomorrow.  Photo shoot at 11am at Foxwoods.
What are you up to this weekend?  When I get back its right back to work.  New recipes and workouts for May!  YAY!  I also received my pictures from the last photo shoot.  I LOVE them!  Stay tuned to see them soon.
~eat well and keep moving~

xoxo jenn

Monday, April 22, 2013

I love resistance bands!  Try this great workout to feel the burn.

I also love how great I am feeling less then 1 week out from my show.  I am still using my Isagenix products EVERYDAY and today for the first time I got my body composition done.  It was pretty cool.  The best part was my visceral fat is only 1%!  Visceral fat is the bad stuff around your organs that is caused by toxins in the environment.  This isn't something you can get rid of by diet alone.  You NEED to cleanse.  I'm not talking spending the day in the bathroom.  The cleanse I use is a gentle cleanse that excretes the toxins from my body through the urine.  Every few months I do the Isagenix 9 day cleanse the results are AMAZING!  You should definitely give it a try.  Its a great time to get some spring cleaning done!
You can order it through my website at
~eat well and keep moving~

xoxo jenn

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Week of show!  This is my favorite part.  All of my hard work is finally showing through.  I have waxing, tanning and nail appointments all made.  I am finding it is 2 weeks out from the show that is the hardest.  I wasn't seeing the results I wanted and was feeling really crappy about my performance.  Thank goodness for my fiance Greg who just shakes his head at me and convinces me to keep going.  He is such and amazing support love him so much.  He definitely gets the brunt of my low carb crankiness.  Now the end is in sight and so are my abs!
My job now is to enjoy the ride.
Hope you are all doing well and enjoying your April workouts.  May is right around the corner lets get outside!

~eat well and keep moving~

xoxo jenn

Thursday, April 18, 2013

What a week!  With the Boston Marathon Tragedy I have spent a lot of time catching up with family and friends.  It really puts into perspective how short life can be and how it can change in the blink of an eye.  I have really thought about what is truly important to me and I always come back to my WHY.  Why I do this.    I want to inspire my family and friends to live a happy, healthy and fit lifestyle.  Here is a fabulous video my friend Matt Perkins put together for me.  Hope you enjoy.
~eat well and keep moving~

xoxo jenn

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

What a day!  The weather was gorgeous, my workouts were fabulous AND my 6 year old was cooperative!  That is a small miracle in itself. 
We as a family have decided recently we are all going to pay more attention to our nutrition.  Easpecially my daughters.  I am 15 days out from my next competition, my diet doesn't get any cleaner then it is right now.  Kaelyn's diet is another story!  I let her have treats ALL the time.  At this point they are not even treats anymore....So, How can I lower my daughters sugar intake without her feeling she is being deprived?  Protein Cookies!!  These cookies look like poop but they taste great and Kaelyn loves them!  
Try them with your kids...
In a large bowl add
1 1/2 cup flour (we use gluten free)
1 tsp baking powder
2 cups Isalean powder chocolate or vanilla your preference
2 tsp cinnamon
In a separate bowl 
1 1/2 cups greek yogurt (we use fat free plain)
1/2 cup homey
1/4 cup oil (we use sunflower)
1 egg
2 tsp vanilla
In a third bowl 
1 cup oats 
1 cup dark chocolate chips

Mix dry ingredients with wet ingredients stir well.  Add in chips and oats.  
Scoop onto cookie sheet
Cook in oven 350 degrees for 10 minutes... 


~eat well and keep moving~
xoxo jenn

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Happy Wednesday!  How is everyone this week?  Are you reaching your goals?  Most are so motivated on Mondays and by Wednesdays it is starting to wain.... Remind yourself of your goals.  Write down your steps to get there.  For me that is scheduling my workouts and meals.  I do all this on Sunday but on Wednesday I usually reevaluate to make sure I'm still on track and change anything I need to change.
Let's hear your goals!  How can I help you reach them?  I am 3 weeks out from my next competition my most important goal at this point is sticking to my nutrition.

Every time I think of cheating on my nutrition I remind myself that I DO NOT want to undo all my hard work in the gym!  

SO ~eat clean and keep moving~ 
xoxo jenn

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Hope everyone has a Happy Healthy Easter.  I had a great workout this morning chasing my 6 year old around on her bike.  Sprints galore.    I love the holidays,   I love to spend time with family and friends and I LOVE to entertain!  Here is a yummy egg souffle recipe I made for brunch!

Chile Cheese Egg Squares
Cook Time:
40 mins5 mins
35 mins
.5 eggs, beaten
1 (4 ounce) can diced green chilies
1 lb sharp cheddar cheese, shredded
1/4 cup onion, minced
Combine all ingredients in mixing bowl.
Pour into a greased 9x9 casserole dish.
Bake for 35 minutes at 350 degrees or until cooked in the center.

~Eat well and Keep moving~ 

xoxo Jenn

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

I hope everyone is having a fabulous week. I have been so busy working on the websites and getting workouts ready for April.   I spent today soaking up the sun, riding my horse and sprinting outside!  Spring is finally here.  To celebrate I made this delicious dish for dinner.  Hope you guys enjoy

Shrimp With Avocado-Mango Salsa
In addition to being a great source of good-for-you fat, avocados are full of fiber and bloat-busting potassium.

Serves 4
·         Vegetable oil cooking spray
·         8 cups baby spinach
·         1 cup couscous
·         1 lb medium shrimp, shelled and deveined
·         1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro, divided
·         1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
·         3/4 teaspoon salt, divided
·         1 large mango, peeled and diced
·         1 medium avocado, diced
·         1 medium tomato, diced
·         1/4 cup chopped red onion
·         1/2 jalapeño chile, seeded and finely chopped
·         1 tablespoon fresh lime juice
1.      Heat grill. Fold four 18-inch-long pieces of foil in half; unfold and coat inside with cooking spray. Place 2 cups spinach in center of 1 half of each piece of foil. Combine couscous with 1/4 cup water; divide evenly among packets, placing on top of spinach. Combine shrimp, 1/4 cup cilantro, oil and 1/2 tsp salt in a bowl. Divide shrimp evenly among packets, placing next to couscous. Fold foil to close and crimp edges to seal; place on grill; close lid; cook until packets are fully puffed, 10 minutes. Combine remaining 1/4 cup cilantro with remaining 1/4 tsp salt, mango, avocado, tomato, onion, jalapeño and lime juice in a bowl. Carefully cut foil to open; stir contents; garnish with salsa before serving.
397 calories per serving, 10 g fat (1 g saturated), 52 g carbs, 8 g fiber, 25 g protein

~eat well and keep moving~
xoxo jenn